Estate planning is simply being prepared for what life throws at you. It isn’t just for the wealthy or people with children. Estate Planning has tremendous benefits for everyone. Your estate plan can be as simple as a basic will, trust, or a complex estate involving in depth tax planning and comprehensive trusts. It all depends on your situation and desires. The key to get started is to find out what your specific needs are. When most people are asked, “Have you planned”? They mean do you have a will, trust or some type of plan in place? Common excuses often consist of “We’ve been meaning to, but…” or “I just don’t like to think about it.” The truth is there are very serious consequences for not having a proper plan in place affecting your children, your home, and your assets.
Estate Planning Allows You To:
- Make the decisions of who and how individuals would inherit your assets
- Take care of minor children by appointing a guardian or trustee for their personal and financial care
- Appoint who your executor will be to oversee the distribution of your estate
- Appoint persons to make your health care and financial decisions if you are unable
- Protect any gift you leave to a loved one from loss due to creditors, divorce or other event in their lives
- Avoid unnecessary expenses, delays and costs of administration due to court involvement
- Prevent loss to your estate assets by minimizing federal estate tax and North Carolina estate tax
- Long Term Care & Asset Protection
- Medicaid Planning & Qualifications
- Veterans’ Pension Benefits

We want each one of our clients to be able to receive the care he or she requires and to age in a manner in which he or she desires. There are several different governmental programs that are able to provide monetary assistance. Medicaid for the aged is a governmental program to assist the categorically needy with the cost of skilled nursing care. Special Assistance is a program that can assist with the cost of Assisted Living for certain individuals. Veteran’s Pension Benefits is also an excellent way to help pay for the cost of Assisted Living if applicable. The PACE program in North Carolina is for those individuals who are able to remain in their homes and receive skilled nursing care.
Whether you are engaging in pre-planning discussions or are in a crisis, please call our office at to schedule a consultation to ensure you and your family are taking all of the right steps.